Command Line Tool


Included with SImageUtil is a simple command line tool that can be used for perform batch image operations without needing to write ASP code.   Below is a break-out of the command line arguments for the tool and while it is simple tool,  you can do a couple of neat things with it.  Check out the examples section, below the usage information, on this page to get an idea.


simg source [-info] [-size] [-s w,h] [-c x,y,w,h] [-bc c[,op]] [-tc c[,op]] [-t# text] [-q ##] [-o dest]
Source The filename of the source image to open.  This field supports wild cards.
-info Dump the common Exif info fields for this image.
-size Dump the image size (without loading the image).
-s w,h Change the size of the image to w width by h height.  Note this operation always starts with the original image data, and will retain the aspect ratio of the original image.
-c x,y,w,h Crop the image.  Note this operation always starts with the original image data. 
-bc c[,op] Sets bounding box color to c and optional opacity op for any subsequent text.  Opacity default is 100% if not provided.
-tc  c[,op] Sets any subsequent text color to c and optional opacity op. Opacity default is 100% if not provided.
-t# text Writes text onto the resulting image at position #.   The regular formatting keywords are supports.  See TextBox() for a complete list of the keywords and position values.   Note if you add text to an image you probably want to set the output quality to a very high number (like 95% or above).
-q ## Sets the output compression quality to 1-100.  The default is 85% if not provided.
-o  dest Writes the current image the dest.  Note if there was more then one source file dest is assumed to be a directory.


Convert a whole directory into JPGs:

simg myimages\*.gif -q 75 -o webjpgs

Or if the directory only contains image files:

simg myimages\* -q 75 -o webjpgs

Or to convert 1 image simply:

simg sunrise.bmp -o sunrise.jpg



To dump Exif information about an image:

simg sunrise.jpb -info

To collect Exif information on a whole directory:

simg myimages\*.jpg -info > exif.txt


sunrise.jpg: Open Exif_Info
  Model         Mod NIKON D1X
  Software      Ver.1.01
  Program       program
  ISO           400
  Lens          28-105mm f/3.5-4.5
  Focal Length  28.0mm  (35mm equivalent: 42mm)
  Shutter       0.025s (1/40)
  Aperture      f/9.5
  Focus         manual
  Meter         multi-segment
  White Balance auto
  Sharpness     normal
  Resolution    3008 x 1960
  Compression   raw
  Date          2001:11:08 07:53:55

Convert a whole directory into medium res & sized preview images

simg *.jpg -s 640,480 -q 75 -o previews

Or into thumbnails

simg *.jpg -s 150,150 -q 75 -o thumbs

To convert 1 image simply:

simg sunrise.jpg -s 150,150 -q 75 -o thumbs\sunrise.jpg


Convert a whole directory into preview images with a caption in the lower right.  Notice you need to set the size before you add the caption.

simg *.jpg -s 640,480 -bc white,30 -t8 "Image by <i>Ken Reneris</i>" -q 95 -o previews

Note you can use <font>, <b>, and some other tags in the text line as well.  See TextBox() for a complete description.




You can process the image multiple times.  So taking the above example you can create previews, with captions, and thumbnails all at the same time.  

simg *.jpg -s 640,480 -bc white,30 -t8 "<font size=12>Image by <i>Ken Reneris</i>" -q 95 -o previews -s 150,150 -q 75 -o thumbs

 The thing to keep in mind when doing this is that simg simply parses the arguments left to right. So:

*.jpg - for every file ending in .jpg, open
-s 640,480 size the (original) image to 640,480
-bc white,30 set the textbox color to white with opacity of 30%
-t8 text put text at position 8. 
-q 95 set the output quality to 95%
-o previews write the image to the previews directory
-s 640,480 size the (original) image to 150,150
-q 75 set the output quality to 75%
-o thumbs write the image to the thumbs directory

simg sunrise.jpg -s 640,480 -bc white,0 -t1 "<font size=30 color=white face='comic sans ms' opacity=9><b>Nikon D1x</b>" -t8 "<font color=yellow>Sunrise over Lake Of The Woods" -q 85 -o simgsamp2.jpg

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